
January 31, 2009

Idology is the worship of a false idol.

A false idol is a false god.

A false god is a source of false emotional power.

Whatever we worship, in order to raise our emotional energy, that is not Divine, is a false idol.

Whenever we connect to an authority or make a choice that is not aligned with our Soul, we are worshipping a false idol and praying to a false god.

Money is a false idol when it is used as a source of emotional power i.e. our emotional energy depends on money.

Status is a false idol when we revere it as a source of authority .

Knowledge is a false idol when we acknowledge it as a source of personal success and ability .

We idolise people who appear to have money, status and knowledge believing them to have power, authority and ability.

Idology is for those who seek to become idle, lazy and slothful who have not been awakened to their true path in Life.

Id-ology is the study of the Id, which is our sub-conscious ‘inner critic’ and ‘inner child’ that holds all our false beliefs and fears.

Our sub-conscious Id defines the boundaries of our comfort zone that is designed to keep us safe, secure and comfortable.

This is the secure environment that disallows any expansive Personal Spiritual Development & Growth.


January 30, 2009

Psyche meant Soul to the Ancient Greek Philosophers.

Today, Psychology is the study of human behaviour.

Yet Psychology literally means “Study of the Soul”.

Psychologists are mainly studying the workings or behaviour of our ‘id’ or sub-conscious mind.

It is our sub-conscious ‘id’ that determines our behaviour until we become awakened and conscious of the Path of our Soul.

True Psyche-ology is the study of our Life Path and what our Soul has chosen for our Self in this Life-time. It is the study of our True Identity.

The Soul has chosen for its Self to overcome the programmed behaviour of its sub-conscious id that drives the personality and character of its unawakened Self.

The Psyche has given its Self freedom of Choice. It cannot then determine the behaviour and actions of its Self.

The study of the character and personality of Human Behaviour is better termed as Id-ology or Idology.

When we study the Id without the Entity of our True Psyche, we are not aware of our True Id-Entity, and we are worshipping a false idol called our ego, which is neither an idyll experience nor is it pursuing an ideal Life.


January 29, 2009

Equanimity is:

  • The stillness of our Spiritual Energy when the male and female aspects are no longer in conflict.
  • When the female gender (anima) of our energy is aligned with its counterpart, the male gender (animus).
  • The state of Being in ‘Equal Animity’, with the gender of our energy balanced and equal.
  • When the wavelength of our energy is equalised, which equates to the quality of having no defined gender.
  • When our Yin & Yang come into balance and unity.
  • The stillness of the ‘gap’ from which our Divine Power flows.
  • The ‘space’ that either divides or connects our male and female energies.
  • The ‘void’ in which our Mind is at Peace, and where our ‘peace of mind’ resides.
  • The serenity of an effortless existence and a life without conflict.
  • The feeling of Omnipotence in our connection to our True Divine Power.

To attain Equanimity in Life is to “Rest in Peace” before we die.


January 28, 2009

Most people agree that there is only one Reality.

Most people disagree as to what that one reality is.

Both Science and Religion are searching for the ‘truth’ of the one reality.

Many religious followers are seeking to return to the reality of the Oneness.

However, Absolute Oneness has no Reality.

Absolute Oneness has no Space, Time or Reality.

Earth is a contextual field in which we can experience, explore and discover space, time and reality.

The question is: “Is this contextual field of Earth capable of sustaining multiple realities at the same time and in the same space”?

The Law of Attraction leads us to believe that our individual thoughts create our individual reality.

Therefore: “Are our thoughts individual, unique and exclusive to our Self, or do we share a collective thought and a collective reality”?

“Have we learned to create our own distinctive ‘Time’ & ‘Space’ in which our own separate  ‘Reality’ can manifest”? or “Do we maintain a ‘swarm’ mentality with a ‘herding’ instinct that follows the ‘flock'”?


January 27, 2009

Super-natural is the nature of our Soul.

Supernatural is the normal state of our Super-Conscious Self.

What is natural is what occurs effortlesly as an everyday occurrence.

Supernatural thoughts, words and deeds are everyday occurrences and the super-nature of our Soul.

With Infinite Power, Authority & Ability, the Supernatural is quite natural.

With Omnipotence, Omnipresence & Omniscience, the supernatural is our nature.

Nature has created many Supernatural worlds, plants and creatures that have become our everyday natural experience.

We no longer see Nature as Supernatural because we accept it as the Nature of our Planet Earth.

All Worlds are Supernatural, yet we will not need to travel to another planet for this to become our experience. 

We just need to learn to create the Supernatural Nature of our Ideal World, on this planet, in our own life-time, with our own Supernatural Power, Authority & Ability that our Soul already possesses.

Meditation & Prayer

January 26, 2009

Meditation allows our answers to flow to us.

However, the answer will not be forthcoming unless the question has first been asked.

The purpose of Meditation is to receive the answers.

The purpose of Prayer is to ask the question.

Our Soul cannot give us the answer unless we first ask the question.

Whatever question we ask will always be answered. Even though the answer may not be what we want to hear.

When we listen with our ego (our conscious and sub-conscious sense of Self), we will seldom hear the answer to our prayers.

When we ask a question from the perspective of our Soul, we already know the answer.

Prayer without meditation is like talking and not listening.

Meditation without prayer will receive the answers to the wrong questions.


January 25, 2009

Meditation is tuning our awareness into our Super-Conscious Mind.

Meditation is focusing our mind on the ‘gap’.

The gap is the space between our conscious and our sub-conscious thoughts.

Conscious thoughts derive from our sense of the physical world and how we experience material things.

Sub-conscious thoughts come from our memory.

The meditative state supercedes both our conscious and our sub-conscious thoughts.

When we cede to our Super-Conscious thoughts, they manifest as inspired revelations from our Inner Coach & Soul.

When we find the gap between our conscious and our sub-conscious thoughts, we allow super-conscious thoughts to proceed into our reality.

Once we learn to connect to our Super-Conscious thoughts, we allow our True Authority to flow forth.

Meditation opens the doorway to our True Authority, Power and Identity.

A Visionary

January 24, 2009

A Visionary:

  • Knows their purpose for this life-time.
  • Can see and understand what they have come here to do.
  • Knows who they are and why they are here.
  • Has a direction in which to lead their Life.

When we have no direction for our life, we get lost very easily.

Our Vision for this life is how we have decided to make a difference in this world.

How we make a difference in this world is how we will be remembered.

To be remembered in this life, we are required to remember our Vision.

A Seer has the intuitive gift of insight for seeing another person’s path.

A Visionary knows only their own path in Life.


January 23, 2009

Kindness is an aspect of love that we share with people of our kind.

People who we like, who are like us, are our kind of people.

We are kind to our kind of people, our kith and kin.

We give generously to our kind of people.

We are kind and generous to our kin, our kith and our kind.

The belief that we are not all the same creates the existence of unkindness.

We are unkind, disconnect from and reject people who we believe are unlike ourselves and not our kind.

When we believe that someone is unlike us, by way of being better or more fortunate than we are, with more money, more status or more knowledge, we may envy them rather than be unkind to them.

We envy people who are not like us because they have what we believe that we want and do not have.

Kind and generous people relieve our envy by giving us what we believe that we want and need.

Unconditional kindness is a state of knowing that we are at One, Connected and Equal to all others.

When we know that we are all the same yet we are all different, we attain a state of Kindness with everyone.

True & Untrue

January 22, 2009

What we consider to be true or untrue is our judgement of what is a real or an unreal experience.

What we see as real is already created in the physical world.

What we see as unreal is already created in the spiritual world of our imagination.

Before anything can be, or indeed has been, created in this physical world, it has to first be realised in someone’s imagination.

What we see as true and real we consider to be fact.

What we consider to be not true and unreal, we call fiction.

Science fiction is whatever is not yet true and real in the physical world and cannot yet be scientifically proven.

All science fiction has a high probability of becoming future science fact.

Everything that has ever been created started as a thought, that originated in the imagination of someone.

The real question is:

“Is our Imagination Real”?


“Does our imagination reveal our truth or our untruth”?

Shining in the Darkness

January 21, 2009

Shining in the Darkness is:

  • Our Light.
  • A Vision of our Knowing.
  • A Picture of our Ideal World.
  • The Green Light of our highest feelings of Joy.
  • A Brilliant Star that is our Inner Coach.

The Darkness is our disconnection from our Source.

In Absolute Reality there is only The Light.

We create the darkness in forgetfulness of who we are.

We remember who we really are when we see the Light shining in the Darkness.

Darkness is the negativity that we have created in the absence of our Light.

“There are none so blind as those that cannot see – their Light Shining in the Darkness”.

A Prayer of Appreciation

January 20, 2009

A prayer is a message from our Self to our Soul.

When we face problems in life, we say a prayer of Absolution asking to be judged innocent in our trial.

We ask our Soul to give us the answer to our problems and absolve us with the solution.

When we face challenges in our life, overcome our problems and succeed in our quest, we say a prayer of  thanks or Gratitude, so that more challenges may be successfully overcome.

We are grateful to our Soul for helping us to learn our lessons and accomplish our mission.

When we see life as an opportunity for the personal spiritual development and growth of our Soul through our Self, we can express a prayer of Appreciation for this expansive opportunity.

A Prayer of Appreciation is a mutual message of mutual appreciation between our Soul and our Self.

When we can see our opportunity in Life, hear our messages that show us our effortless Path, and feel the appreciation of our Soul & Self, we know that our Prayers are answered.

The 3 Stage Journey

January 19, 2009

A Life Journey of three stages is well documented in Religious History.

Like a 3 Act Drama, a 3 stage Journey has problems, challenges and opportunities.

Jesus Christ in the Easter Story faced the problems of Crucifixion  and the challenge of Resurrection before achieving the opportunity of Ascension into ‘Heaven’.

Moses in the Exodus faced the problems of a Jew living in Exile in Egypt, the challenge of the 40 years wandering in the Desert, before finally attaining the opportunity of founding Israel (Heaven) as the Promised Land.

Dante in the Inferno faced the problems of living in Hell with all its negativity, then the challenge of a journey through Purgatory, before finally arriving at the opportunities that awaited him in Paradise (Heaven).

It appears that we all have chosen different Paths in Life, yet we are all following a similar Journey with 3 unique, individual and exclusive stages.

Whether we call it Heaven, The Promised Land, Paradise, Xanadu, Shamballa, My Ideal World, or any other similar name, we are all seeking the opportunity to bring Heaven to Earth and return Earth to its original state of Being – The Garden of Eden.

Earth School

January 18, 2009

The Planet Earth is the perfect contextual field in which to experience dual reality life in a three dimensional existence.

Life is an opportunity to spiritually grow and Earth is an ideal School.

All negative problems that we encounter in life are learning opportunities.

We first learn to solve problems.

All positive or negative challenges that we accept in life are learning opportunities.

We next learn to face our challenges.

All positive opportunities in life are there for us to learn and grow and become spiritually expansive.

We were not born to work hard in school learning the hard lessons of life.

We were not born to not work in life and take things easy.

We have chosen to come here to earth School to personally develop our Self and to spiritually develop our Soul in the most effortless way possible.

We have come here to Earth to learn how to take this wonderful opportunity to choose who we wish to be, what we desire to have and what we want to do in our Life.

We have come here to learn firstly that we have choice and secondly what we have chosen to choose with our choice.

Life is a three act drama.

In the first Act, we play the Problem Solver.

The 1st Act is a negative perspective of life that sees all occurrences as a problem that needs to be solved.

Life is a Trial.

Eventually the Problem Solver realises that no matter how many problems they solve, problems continue to occur.

In the 2nd Act, we play the Adventurer.

The 2nd Act is where the problem solver becomes a Pioneer, who challenges life to no longer be a problem.

The Pioneer sees that all challenges may have either a positive or a negative outcome based on their individual power to succeed.

Life becomes a Quest.

In the 3rd Act we play the Opportunist.

The 3rd Act is when we know that all our challenges will succeed and become a positive opportunity.

The opportunist knows that from their perspective all outcomes are positive and there is no failure in life.